Ross Rapid Ozone Sleeve/Liner Sanitizer. (Applicable taxes or duties may apply in Canada. Also, this device may not yet have been licensed in accordance with Canadian laws.

  • Ross Rapid Ozone Sleeve/Liner Sanitizer.  (Applicable taxes or duties may apply in Canada. Also, this device may not yet have been licensed in accordance with Canadian laws.

Ross Rapid Ozone Sleeve/Liner Sanitizer. (Applicable taxes or duties may apply in Canada. Also, this device may not yet have been licensed in accordance with Canadian laws.


The Worlds first Automated Liner Sanitizer, for Home & Clinic use. Its very quiet and easy to use. The Ross Sanatizer works on All Sleeves & Liners.

 You will no longer have daily struggles with bacterial build-up. Ross will leave your liner/sleeve smelling fresh.

 The unpleasant odor, excessive sweat, and other unwanted side effects can affect not only your physical comfort but also your emotional well-being.

 But imagine having a product that eliminates all these issues and frees you from that daily stress and worry. The Rapid Ozone Sleeve Sanitizer (ROSS) is not just a product, it’s a solution to a problem that can greatly impact the quality of your life. And when you invest in this innovative technology, you’re investing in a better, healthier, and more confident you. So why not take control of your comfort and experience the difference for yourself?

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